I whould like to know I made a back from my old phone Xiaomi Redme Nota 5A Prime that is located in the external memory card in folder located in MUEI folder under BACKUP and I insetred the external memory card to the new phone Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S/

how I restor the back to my new phone Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S

Yours Truly

Yair V.




3 Answers

Hello VY3162!

If the backup is on the memory card, it should be possible to restore it locally.

Please follow these steps:

  • Open the settings
  • Tap on My Device
  • Tap on Backup & Restore
  • Tap on Local Backups

I hope this could help you.



I try it fond work I am located in Israel and my phone is in hebrew


I try it dont work I am located in Israel and my phone is in hebrew, can you hive me more info

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