Oukitel WP5 Pro Phone is not charging after replacing the screen
As you can see in the title I have a problem with my Oukitel WP5 pro.
I think the battery drained out completely after my screen broke.
I would like to mention that the phone was put in the original box and sat on the shelf for few months because there was no store that wanted to replace my screen in this city (Plymouth, UK) and Oukitel official website didn't sent me an answer to my messages.
So few months later I find out , from an uncle, that I could replace it myself. I bought the screen from @m@zon, watched a tutorial on ¥ou7ube and replace the screen.
Now, the phone is connected to a cherger since few hours and nothing happened. When I press the on/off button the screen shows me the battery empty and to connect it to a charger.
Anybody knows if there is another problem here, or what should I do?
Best Regards,
7 Answers
Hi Jabin!
At this point I have to mention that the support from Oukitel is just bad.
Could it be that a connection to the charging socket is missing or even defective? I hope any other user comments on this to help you out.
I haven't had any problems with charging the phone before the screen broke.
Something might have happened when the display was replaced, but unfortunately it's hard to tell from a distance.
Do you have the possibility to take the device to a repair store and ask if they would check it?
When I replaced the screen, the only thing that I had to unscrew was just the screen.
I didn't need to go deeper than that into disassembling.
Yes, I will try to go to a repair store and see if they are willing to check.
I tought that maybe is something about the soft that I have to connect with the computer and activate.
I don't think it's the software, but I can't say for sure.
If it should be so that the device recognizes the display as third-party accessorie, then probably only flashing it would help.
What means "only flashing"?
How can I do that?
Install a custom rom, but we don't support it.
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