Doogee N20 Howe to change default launcher
So I recently bought a Doogee N20. Its a great phone but I have one annoying problem. I can't change the default launcher. I want to use smart launcher 5 as it categorizes my apps but when I go to settings -> apps -> default apps there is no setting for changing the default launcher. Changing it from the default launcher preferences itself (nova launcher seems to be being used as stock) only takes me to the default apps settings page that I mentioned earlier.
Is there a way of doing this as I am finding it a huge dissappointment that I can't use my own launcher app and would never have bought this phone if I knew about this limitation.
3 Answers
Hello Nyarlathotep!
In general it should be possible to select the default launcher via the settings, but if that doesn't work for you, try tapping Smart Launcher 5 directly.
After that you should be asked if you want to set the Launcher as default.
If necessary you have to delete it once and download it again.
Hi Denny,
If I choose set launcher as default from Smart Launcher it takes me to the same settings screen as before with no option to change the launcher. I did some research and found on a froum that you can change the launcher by using the adb shell command:
adb shell cmd package set-home-activity "your.package/.YourLauncherActivity"but although I can find out the package name for smart launcher I don't know what to put in p;ace of .YourLauncherActivity. Any ideas?
Note: I think the phone firmware is deliberately changed to prevent changing of the default launcher by the normal methods. I heard a few chinese phones do this, Huawei being one company that does this.
If it can be changed, I use lawnchair 2 with no problem. You can't change it from default applications. I've done it on two N20s.
Factory phone
You start normally
You put wifi
Mail for play store
And without downloading updates or backups. So I did not try updating first
Download only the Launcher you want to use and install
From applications you look it up and open it, you give all the permissions
And you open the last option "advanced", there you go the last option "additional app settings".
It will open the menu of the Launcher you downloaded, they all have the option to default. You look for it and when you open it you will be given the choice between the system launcher or the installed one. If you have installed more than one it will also appear, I tried it in one of the installations.
You choose yours, always use it and you're done.
It looks complex but it's easy.
Then update everything, system, apps, download backups...
** If you try in another order when you are in the default step in the Launcher menu you downloaded it takes you default app, where the option is not there and it loops. You have to go back to factory restore to get the option to choose.
***If anyone doesn't understand or can't, I'll be happy to help
Si se puede cambiar, yo uso lawnchair 2 sin problemas. No se puede cambiar desde aplicaciones predeterminadas. Lo he hecho en dos N20.
Teléfono de fabrica
Arrancas normalmente
Pones wifi
Correo para play store
Y sin descargar actualizaciones o copias de seguridad. Así lo hice no he probado actualizando primero
Descargas únicamente el Launcher que quieres usar e instalas
Desde aplicaciones lo buscas y lo abres, otorgas todos los permisos
Y abres la última opción "avanzado", ahí vas la última opción "ajustes adicionales de la app".
Te abrirá el menú del Launcher que descargaste, todos llevan la opción de predeterminar. Lo buscas y cuando lo abres te dará ha escoger entre el Launcher del sistema o el instalado. Si has instalado más de uno también aparecerá, lo probé en una de las instalaciones.
Escoges el tuyo, usar siempre y listo.
Parece complejo pero es fácil.
Después actualice todo, sistema, apps, descargue copias de seguridad...
** Si pruebas en otro orden cuando estás en el paso de predeterminar en el menú del Launcher que descargaste te lleva app predeterminar, donde no está la opción y queda en bucle. Has de volver a restaurar de fabrica para que salga la opción de escoger.
***Si alguien no lo entiende o no puede, estaré encantado de ayudarle
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