Cubot X20 Pro Forum
Screen Replacement
I have a Cubot X20 Pro with a cracked screen, can the screen be replaced,, if so do you have...J
Calls blocked unless from a favourite contact
I'm on EE - the last couple of weeks I have been receiving text messages saying I missed a call... 1
JHW Manual PDF
I have the x30 I would imagine the manual fo P20 would be very simularCalls going straight to voicemail
50% of my calls are diverted to voicemail even though I have full signal strength. I can dial...G
L'app Camera non funziona correttamente ne in Telegram che Telegram X
Salve buon giorno, Utilizzando l'applicazione Telegram, quando voglio mandare un... 0
Gioele K
Alarm opens when on phone call
When I talk on phone the alarm menu plus other apps open. Very annoying. Help please 1
KiwiGirl help center
Can anyone give me a contact number for Cubot phone problems ..because the number and email...call quality
Hi, can anyone tell me how to fix my problem as in when someone phones me the quality of the... 11
fethiye18 My phone keeps removing the icon for my banking app from the home screen
I use the Barclays app for banking on my phone. Recently I have discovered that the app icon...Notifications aren't popping on lock screen?
My notifications are not working properly they pop up sometimes on lock screen but more than...C
Apps when calling
When I'm on a call the phone opens apps when in contact with my ear, how can I stop this.? 7
Coldo S
My phone screen is blank
My phone screen is on but it doesn’t show anything but a black screen with light 1
Sabreazy g
Photo Quality
The photo quality on my 4 month old Cubot X20 Pro is awful! When I zoom the photo in it becomes... 0
gordon c
during the call, if the called person speaks he cannot hear if I speak.
during the call, if the called person speaks he cannot hear if I speak. 0
cdc396 Cubot X20 Pro Forum
The Cubot X20 Pro forum. The Cubot community helps you to solve any problem with the Cubot X20 Pro. Create your thread and don't wait long for an answer.
- 20 Topics
- 39 Answers