I have recently started using a second-hand Redmi Note 7. Just today, I found that when I mute the phone and then unmute it, it plays my ringtone with no way to stop it except re-muting it, until the entire song has played out. The person who owned it previously said that never happened before. The phone did just update to MIUI Global 12.5.3. I don't think I muted or unmuted it prior to that, so I don't know if it's the update that's causing it. I can't find any kind of setting to make it stop doing that.

3 Answers

Hi Argyra!

Some time ago users reported the same problem. Please try to change the ringtone and restart the device. Normally it should be fixed after that.

Best regards,


Thank you for responding. I tried that and it didn't fix the issue. I did, however, change my default notification tone (I realized it was that and not the actual ringtone) to something far shorter, so at least it's less irritating.

Hey Argyra,

what else you could try is clearing the cache of the theme app, here's a tutorial:

Android 11 | MIUI 12.0
How to Clear App Cache - Tap on  Settings
How to Clear App Cache - Tap on  Apps
How to Clear App Cache - Tap on  Manage apps
How to Clear App Cache - Choose an  app
How to Clear App Cache - Tap on  Clear data
How to Clear App Cache - Tap on  Clear cache
  1. Tap on Settings
  2. Tap on Apps
  3. Tap on Manage apps
  4. Choose an app
  5. Tap on Clear data
  6. Tap on Clear cache

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