Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 System storage problem
I am having some problems with storage on my redmi note 7. Running MIUI 10.3.10
I keep getting alerts that Storage space is running out. Some system functions may not work. But I don't see how my storage could already be full.
In Settings-about phone it says I have almost 80GB left of storage.
But in Settings-storage it says that the system storage is 105GB and only 600MB space remaining.
I have downloaded SD maid to get more information and it seems the private storage (primary) is almost full and causing the alert to trigger, 22.28 GB of 22.92 GB. But I don't know how to reduce the data here.
I have a 128 GB SD card as well as internal storage so don't understand what is going on.
Could you please advise what I should do or who I should contact to get help with this?
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