I don't seem to have the import feature in my Phone app in settings, or in Google contacts.

I have watched the video at:  https://www.techbone.net/xiaomi/user-manual/import-contacts

And my screen at 0:28/1:33 is missing settings and only has:

All Accounts

Google email account details

Merge and fix



Restored from (Old phone details)

+ Create label

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

The solution
Attached pictures:

6 Answers

Hi Mikexx!

This seems to be an error, have you already updated the contacts app?

Also you could try clearing the cache.

Best regards,

Android 11 | MIUI 12.0
How to Clear App Cache - Tap on  Settings
How to Clear App Cache - Tap on  Apps
How to Clear App Cache - Tap on  Manage apps
How to Clear App Cache - Choose an  app
How to Clear App Cache - Tap on  Clear data
How to Clear App Cache - Tap on  Clear cache
  1. Tap on Settings
  2. Tap on Apps
  3. Tap on Manage apps
  4. Choose an app
  5. Tap on Clear data
  6. Tap on Clear cache


Many thanks for looking into this. I have cleared the cache for this App.

The version on the phone is

It's difficult to check with Google Play which is the most recent version.


If I go to Play store, auto-update is ticked, and there is no option to update.


Hi Mikexx!

Please check if you can uninstall the updates for contacts app.

Android 11 | MIUI 12.0
How to Uninstall App updates - Tap on  Settings
How to Uninstall App updates - Tap on  Apps
How to Uninstall App updates - Tap on  Manage apps
How to Uninstall App updates - Choose an  app
How to Uninstall App updates - Tap on  Uninstall updates
How to Uninstall App updates - Tap on  OK
  1. Tap on Settings
  2. Tap on Apps
  3. Tap on Manage apps
  4. Choose an app
  5. Tap on Uninstall updates
  6. Tap on OK


Many thanks, I am now back to Version

And I now have the ability to import contacts.

Why has Google chosen to cripple this feature? Many thanks for your help. I hope others benefit from this experience too.

Hi Mikexx!

We're glad we could help you, but we can't tell you what Google is doing or deciding in the background.

We hope that it stays like this and that you don't have any further problems with the contacts app.

Best regards,

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