I have used the hidden albums feature in my mi9t photo gallery. I am now trying to access the hidden albums but the unhide button is blocked or greyed out with no option appearing when I press on the unhide button. I am unable to unhide and access the album's I am trying to access. How do I resolve this?

1 Answers

Hello Apolo514!

Is maybe an app lock activated?

If not, did you simply tried to empty the cache of the gallery app? Use the following instructions:


Android 10 | MIUI 11.0
How to Clear App Cache -  Open the  Settings
How to Clear App Cache -  Tap on  Apps
How to Clear App Cache -  Tap on  Manage apps
How to Clear App Cache -  Choose  App  you want
How to Clear App Cache -  Tap on  Clear data
How to Clear App Cache -  Tap on  Clear cache
How to Clear App Cache -  Confirm with  OK
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on Apps
  3. Tap on Manage apps
  4. Choose App you want
  5. Tap on Clear data
  6. Tap on Clear cache
  7. Confirm with OK

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