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Whether or not the App Drawer is enabled on the OnePlus smartphone, we can set the display of individual apps and hide selected shortcuts.

Follow these steps to access the hidden apps:

Note: The hidden apps can be shown again by tapping and holding if desired.
In this guide we use the active App Drawer method.

Android 10 | OxygenOS 10.0
Hide Apps (Home Screen & App Drawer) -  Swipe on a  free area  on home screen
Hide Apps (Home Screen & App Drawer) -  Swipe to the  right
Hide Apps (Home Screen & App Drawer) -  Tap on  Add
Hide Apps (Home Screen & App Drawer) -  Select  apps  to hide
Hide Apps (Home Screen & App Drawer) -  Tap on  Save
  1. Swipe on a free area on home screen
  2. Swipe to the right
  3. Tap on Add
  4. Select apps to hide
  5. Tap on Save

OnePlus Instructions
