If the "Do Not Disturb" mode is activated on the LG unit, by default no incoming calls are heard. The settings allow you to activate the "Repeated Calls" function. If the same caller calls again within 15 minutes, the second call is not set to silent and is therefore audible.

Android 9 | LG UX 9.0
Repeat Callers -  Open the  Settings
Repeat Callers -  Tap on  Sound
Repeat Callers -  Tap on  Do not disturb
Repeat Callers -  Tap on  Select priorities
Repeat Callers -  Enable or Disable  Repeated calls
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on Sound
  3. Tap on Do not disturb
  4. Tap on Select priorities
  5. Enable or Disable Repeated calls

LG Instructions
