The LG smartphone has a small tutorial program that detects accidentally repeated touches. it measures how often a displayed circle is touched. if several touches are made, the program recognizes the function and analyzes the input. if the program receives it as necessary, repeated touches will be ignored in the future.

Android 9 | LG UX 9.0
Ignore repeated touches -  Open the  Settings
Ignore repeated touches -  Tap on  General
Ignore repeated touches -  Tap on  Accessibility
Ignore repeated touches -  Tap on  Motor & cognition
Ignore repeated touches -  Tap on  Touch input
Ignore repeated touches -  Tap on  Ignore repeated taps
Ignore repeated touches -  Tap on  Adjust
Ignore repeated touches -  Tap the  circle  when it appears
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on General
  3. Tap on Accessibility
  4. Tap on Motor & cognition
  5. Tap on Touch input
  6. Tap on Ignore repeated taps
  7. Tap on Adjust
  8. Tap the circle when it appears

LG Instructions
