Cookies are small pieces of text information that can be stored and read by a web page in the browser, and in addition to disabling cookies, they can also be deleted on the LG smartphone.

Android 9 | LG UX 9.0
Delete cookies -  Open the  Chrome  Browser
Delete cookies -  Open the  Menu
Delete cookies -  Open the  Settings
Delete cookies -  Tap on  Privacy
Delete cookies -  Tap on  Clear browsing data
Delete cookies -  Enable  Cookies and site data
Delete cookies -  Tap on  Clear data
Delete cookies -  Confirm with  Clear
  1. Open the Chrome Browser
  2. Open the Menu
  3. Open the Settings
  4. Tap on Privacy
  5. Tap on Clear browsing data
  6. Enable Cookies and site data
  7. Tap on Clear data
  8. Confirm with Clear

LG Instructions
