DOOGEE X5 phone will not come on
phone was working fine. One day wouldn't charge inspite of being connected to a power source. Eventually phone wouldn't come on at all. purchased a new battery and put in the new battery. the phone came on and I was able to use phone for about 5 minutes. Put phone down and went to do something else. came to use phone. touched the power button as normal to bring up the screen. Nothing happened and cannot get the phone to display at all even when attached to a power source. Even when using different chargers in case one charger is faulty. What is wrong with the phone?
1 Answers
Hello krav1maga. I would rule out a defect in the battery, but a defect in another hardware would still be possible.
Try to charge the device overnight with the new battery, if there is no important data on it, a factory reset would be advisable to avoid software errors.
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