Blackview BV1000 User manual needed for Blackview BV1000
Blackview BV1000 IP68 Waterproof Outdoor Mobile Phone 2
Looking for an online user manual.
Can anyone help?
Thank you very much,
6 Answers
Hi Lysette!
Unfortunately, we can't offer you the manual, but we will be happy to help you if you have any questions about the device or the settings.
Hi Danny, Thank you so much for replying. I appreciate you're trying to help us, but we really need a manual. It's my mum who is struggling with the 'phone. I'm 99% confident that there's nothing wrong with the 'phone and that it's user error causing the issues.
And we are trying to guess what she's doing and advise her over the 'phone while not being able to see what she's doing. With a manual we can look up the latest problems she's having and advise her accordingly. There's a new problem every day!
We managed to find out how she was accidentally turning on the flashlight. So that's one problem solved. She often complains of a noise coming from the 'phone which can only be the FM radio.
She still has no idea how it gets turned on nor how to turn it off. She's discovered that if she presses the green button as though she was going make a 'phone call the radio mutes. So most of the time if we ring her it goes straight to answerphone because as far as her mobile is concerned she's already engaged.
Yesterday she said she couldn't even turn the phone on and that the screen remained black no matter what she did. Today it seems to be working fine.
So I think if she is to continue using this 'phone (which we believe it's a great piece of kit!) we really need to help her find her way around it.
How is it possible that a manual isn't available?
Surely there must be one online somewhere? I notice that if we were to buy an identical 'phone, it's advertised as coming with a user manual.
Really appreciate your help.
Thank you,
Hi Lysette!
Thank you very much for the reply. We do not know why a manual would be included with an identical device.
Unfortunately, manufacturers like Blackview don't always provide a manual for every device, so we as a community don't have access to it either. You could contact Blackview directly and ask for a manual.
Best regards,
Thank you, Denny. That link is very useful. I've searched and searched for 'contact' details, and have already sent messages to some of these. But you've got several more here which might get me what I'm looking for. I'll certainly try. Thanks again, Lysette
Dear Lysette,
please feel free to get back to me if support was able to help you.
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